Your starting character should not be more powerful than this person. Rules of grammar to make a sentence sound better and work better within the Instead, this allows players to be creativeĪs they explore options in character creation like an author who may break the True Brujah loner with dual katanas and maxed out Potence following the Path ofīlood and hoping to diablerize his way up the generation chart.
Giving permission for players to do whatever they want like making that badass Player should know and understand these rules and their purpose, and only then should The rules and for the right reasons can help a player create a great Following the rules assures that a character won’t be bad, but breaking Making a very bad or disruptive character that doesn’t fit in with the group orĬauses too many problems for the Chronicle. Rules, like the ones above, act only as guidelines to help players avoid
Guide a player in making the perfect character.