One of the first things it does is kicking all the LEDs lit. Next, what happens is the Linux-side taking control and starting to spin up services. There are no differences between modes at that point. Then the boot-sequence handles lot of hardware and gets a Linux to boot. At power-on, the Power-LED gets lit all the others are off. A bricked box won't show any signal there. I didn't realize that on my footage it looks like being lit, while in reality it isn't. Sorry about the signal LED glowing, that was my failure when lighting the box for video. On ' normal ' mode bootup, two distinct differences appear at the output. You'll know that your box is bricked and the reason for that is because you're in equipment mode, as your RS -console output will say following during boot-up.
First, I'd like to clarify the myth of ' equipment mode '. I finally did it! The unit has been non-functional for over a year now.